February 13, 2025


Channel Settings
* modes – modes enforced on the channel, by default +tn (suggested +tn-ki). If somebody changes the modes – BOT will change the modes back & if it was +li mode & user has no +f or +o flags on BOT – he will be punished (by default kicked).

  • +n (no external messages) Everyone who is not in the channel will be unable to say something to the channel if he is not in the channel.
  • +t (only Ops can set topic) prevents opless users from changing the topic.
  • +i (invite only) Everyone needs an invite to join your channel.
  • +m (moderated) only ops & voiced people.
  • +k (key) Nobody can join the channel without the correct key.
  • +l (limit to …) Everyone will be able to join your channel only if the limit (set by you or by BOT) is not reached (the number of people on a channel is less than the channel limit) or if it is invited by a channel OP.
  • +p (private) the channel will not show in your whois & it will not show in the channels list.
  • +s (secret) the channel will not show when someone who isn’t in your channel does a whois on you.
  • +r (registered users only) only people authenticated with X can join your channel (undernet specific mode). To turn this setting off – don’t specify any flag. Setup: !chanset modes +tn-ik
    * idle-kick – kick idle users on the channel after a period of time specified by you, except +f users (in minutes). To turn this setting off – specify 0.Setup: !chanset idle-kick 60 Note: see also the channel flag idle-deop.
    * stopnethack-mode – deop anyone who enters the channel with server ops. o 0 turn off. o 1 isoptest (allow serverop if registered op).o 2 wasoptest (allow serverop if op before split).o 3 allow serverop if isop or wasop.o 4 allow serverop if isop & wasop.o 5 if channel -bitch: see stopnethack-mode 3, if channel +bitch: see stopnethack-mode 1.o 6 if channel -bitch: see stopnethack-mode 2, if channel +bitch: see stopnethack-mode 4.To turn this setting off – specify 0.Setup: !chanset stopnethack-mode 1
    * revenge-mode – defines how the bot should punish hostile users when revenging.o 0 for deop.o 1 for deop & +d.o 2 for deop, +d & kick.o 3 for deop, chattr +d, kick & ban.To turn this setting off – specify 0.Setup: !chanset revenge-mode 1Note: see also the channel flags revenge & revengebot.
    * flood-chan – defines how many channel messages in how many seconds from one host constitutes a flood. +f & +m users will not be kicked. To turn this setting off – specify 0 or 0:0.Setup: !chanset flood-chan 7:20 (no more than 7 lines in 20 seconds)
    * flood-ctcp – defines how many channel ctcps in how many seconds from one host constitutes a flood. +f & +m users will not be kicked. To turn this setting off – specify 0 or 0:0.Setup: !chanset flood-ctcp 2:40 (no more than 2 ctcps in 40 seconds)
    * flood-join – defines how many joins in how many seconds from one host constitutes a flood. +f & +m users will not be kicked. To turn this setting off – specify 0 or 0:0.Setup: !chanset flood-join 4:40 (no more than 4 joins in 40 seconds)
    * flood-kick – defines how many kicks in how many seconds from one host constitutes a flood. +f & +m users will not be kicked. To turn this setting off – specify 0 or 0:0.Setup: !chanset flood-kick 2:40 (no more than 2 kicks in 40 seconds)
    * flood-deop – defines how many deops in how many seconds from one host constitutes a flood. +f & +m users will not be kicked. To turn this setting off – specify 0 or 0:0.Setup: !chanset flood-deop 3:10 (no more than 3 deops in 10 seconds)
    * flood-nick – how many nick changes in how many seconds from one host constitutes a flood. +f & +m users will not be kicked. To turn this setting off – specify 0 or 0:0.Setup: !chanset flood-nick 4:40 (no more than 4 nick change in 40 seconds)
    * aop-delay – this is used for autoop, autohalfop, autovoice. If an op or voice joins a channel while another op or voice is pending, the bot will attempt to put both modes on one line.o aop-delay 0 No delay is used.o aop-delay X An X second delay is used.o aop-delay X:Y A random delay between X & Y is used.
    Setup: !chanset aop-delay 10:30
    * ban-time – setup how long temporary bans will last (in minutes). If you set this setting to 0, the bot will never remove them. Besides this ban-time is used when punishing for publicity, swears, etc.Setup: !chanset ban-time 60Note: see also the channel flag ban-reason.
    * exempt-time – set here how long temporary exempts will last (in minutes). If you set this setting to 0, the bot will never remove them. The bot will check the exempts every X minutes, but will not remove the exempt if a ban is set on the channel that matches that exempt. Once the ban is removed, then the exempt will be removed the next time the bot checks.Note: this is an IRCnet feature.Setup: !chanset exempt-time 60
    * invite-time – set here how long temporary invites will last (in minutes). If you set this setting to 0, the bot will never remove them. The bot will check the invites every X minutes, but will not remove the invite if a channel is set to +i. Once the channel is -i then the invite will be removed the next time the bot checks.Note: this is an IRCnet feature.Setup: !chanset invite-time 60
    * enforcebans – when a ban is set, kick people who are on the channel & match the ban? +f, +v & +o users will not be kicked.Setup: !chanset +enforcebans
    * dynamicbans – only activate bans on the channel when necessary? This keeps the channel’s ban list from getting excessively long. The bot still remembers every ban, but it only activates a ban on the channel when it sees someone join who matches that ban.Setup: !chanset +dynamicbans
    * userbans – allow bans to be made by users directly? If turned off, the bot will require all bans to be made through the bot’s console.Setup: !chanset +userbans
    * need-key – remember channel’s key (in fact, the BOT will remember the key itslef, as it is set on chan).Setup: !chanset need-key blabla
    * autoop – op the +o users when they join the channel. This is insecure & not recommended.Setup: !chanset +autoopNote: see also the user flag a & the channel flags aop-delay, op.
    * autohalfop – halfop the +l users when they join the channel. This is insecure & not recommended ().Setup: !chanset +autohalfopNote: see also the channel flag aop-delay.
    * autovoice – voice the +v users when they join the channel.Setup: !chanset +autovoiceNote: see also the user flag g & the channel flags aop-delay, voice
    * bitch – only let the +o users be opped on the channel? Not recommended – if you have X or ChanServ service on channel users try to deop, kick or ban the BOT as revenge & this is a neglect of our rules & terms.Setup: !chanset +bitch
    * greet – say a user’s info line when they join the channel?Setup: !chanset +greetNote: see also user flag info.
    * protectops – re-op the +o users if they get deopped?Setup: !chanset +protectops
    * protecthalfops – re-halfop thes +l users if they get dehalfopped?Setup: !chanset +protecthalfops
    * protectfriends – re-op the +f users if they get deopped?Setup: !chanset +protectfriends
    * dontkickops – do you want the bot not to be able to kick the +o users, letting them kick-flood for instance to protect the channel against clone attacks.Setup: !chanset +dontkickops
    * inactive – this prevents the bot from joining the channel (or makes it leave the channel if it is already there). It can be useful to make the bot leave a channel without losing its settings, channel-specific user flags, channel bans, & without affecting sharing.Setup: !chanset +inactiveNotes: see also the commands templeave & cycle.
    * statuslog – log the channel status line every 5 minutes? This shows the bot’s status on the channel (op, voice, etc.), The channel’s modes, & the number of +m/+o/+v/+n/+b/+e/+I users on the channel.Setup: !chanset +statuslog
    * revenge – remember people who deop/kick/ban the BOT, valid ops, or friends & punish them? The +f users are exempted from revenge.Setup: !chanset +revenge
    * revengebot – similar to to the ‘revenge’ option, but it only triggers if a BOT gets deopped, kicked or banned.Setup: !chanset +revengebot
    * secret – prevent this channel from being listed on the botnet & in seen data-base? (also interferes the channels & stats commands)Setup: !chanset +secret
    * shared – share channel-related user info for this channel?Setup: !chanset +shared
    * cycle – cycle the channel when it has no ops?Setup: !chanset +cycle
    * dynamicexempts – only activate exempts on the channel when necessary? This keeps the channel’s exempt list from getting excessively long. The bot still remembers every exempt, but it only activates a exempt on the channel when it sees a ban set that matches the exempt. The exempt remains active on the channel for as long as the ban is still active.Setup: !chanset +dynamicexempts
    * userexempts – allow exempts to be made by users directly? If turned off, the bot will require all exempts to be made through the bot’s console.Setup: !chanset +userexempts
    * dynamicinvites – only activate invites on the channel when necessary? This keeps the channel’s invite list from getting excessively long. The bot still remembers every invite, but the invites are only activated when the channel is set to invite only & a user joins after requesting an invite. Once set, the invite remains until the channel goes to -i.Setup: !chanset +dynamicinvites
    * userinvites – allow invites to be made by users directly? If turned off, the bot will require all invites to be made through the bot’s console.Setup: !chanset +userinvites
    * nodesynch – allow non-ops to perform channel modes? This can stop the bot from fighting with services such as ChanServ or from kicking IRCops when setting channel modes without having ops.Setup: !chanset +nodesynch
    Channel Settings
    * secure – protect the channel. If the channel is +chanserv & there is a takeover on channel – the BOT will remuser taker’s access, suspend the user’s access which gave access to taker & if reporting is ON – will store a note about take (time, taker’s user, user which gave access to taker, actions performed by BOT). Besides, the BOT will NOT allow anyone to set +ik channel modes & to set/unset inadequate values for +l, except +f & +m users. By default, this settings is enabled.Setup: !chanset +secure
    * antipub – punish users which use # (making publicity) in the channel, except +f, +v, +o users & chan oppers.Setup: !chanset +antipub
    * anticolour – punish users which use colours in the channel, except +f, +v, +o users & chan oppers.Setup: !chanset +anticolour
    * antibold – punish users which use bold in the channel, except +f, +v, +o users & chan oppers.Setup: !chanset +antibold
    * antiunderline – punish users which use underline in the channel, except +f, +v, +o users & chan oppers.Setup: !chanset +antiunderline
    * antinotice – punish users which send a notice in the channel, except +f, +v, +o users & chan oppers.Setup: !chanset +antinotice
    * antirepeat – punish users which repeat themselves more than 2 times in the channel, except +f, +v, +o users & chan oppers.Setup: !chanset +antirepeat
    * antiaction – punish users which use action in the channel, except +f, +v, +o users & chan oppers.Setup: !chanset +antiaction
    * antiurl – punish users which use url (sites publicity) in the channel, except +f, +v, +o users & chan oppers.Setup: !chanset +antiurl
    * antireverse – punish users which use reverse in the channel, except +f, +v, +o users & chan oppers.Setup: !chanset +antireverse
    * protect-mode – n/aSetup:
    * rigid-mode – n/aSetup:
    * passive – n/aSetup:
    * private – ban everyone when they join the channel, except +f, +v, +l users.Setup:
    * locked – reserved for global +N users, the bot will never part the channel & only a +N global user will be able to purge the channel.Setup: !chanset +locked
    * suspended – reserved for internal use, automatically enabled if channel is suspended, used by the command suspend.Note: see also the command suspend.
    * chanserv – reserved for internal use, automatically enabled if channel is X/ChansServ registered.
    * strictop – Only registered Op by the bot are allowed to Op except X. See also +bitch .Setup: !chanset +strictop On/Off
    * noop – n/aSetup:
    * limit – maintain & update, if need, channel limit (limit is +7, grace is +4, check time 60 seconds).Setup: !chanset +limit
    * topic – reserved for internal use, automatically enabled if channel has locked topicNote: see also the command topic & the channel flag enforcetopic.
    * enforcetopic – if the channel is in desynch (when servers desynchronize from one another, some users do not see topic, channels modes etc.) & the topic is +topic (locked with the command topic), the BOT will enforce (renew) the topic so every one will be able to view it.Setup: !chanset +enforcetopicNote: see also the command topic & the channel flag topic.
    * output – Used to set the output notice , private or in the channelSetup: !output
    * time – Used to display the time and date.Setup: !time
    * seen – to enable seen statistics on chan? If deactivated, no seen info will be added to a&a seen data-base. If you want seen enabled but wish your channel not to be referred on other channels, see secret channel flag.Setup: !chanset +seen
    * ban-reason – setup default ban reason.Setup: !chanset ban-reason you are not welcome here anymoreNote: see also the channel flag ban-time.
    * voice – voice everyone when they join the channel.Setup: !chanset +voiceNote: see also the channel flag autovoice.
    * halfop – n/a till november/december 2005.
    * op – op everyone when they join the channel. This is insecure & not recommended.Setup: !chanset +opNote: see also the channel flag autoop.
    * idle-deop – deop everyone who idles on channel more than the time specified by you, except +a users (in minutes). To turn this setting off – specify 0.Setup: !chanset idle-deop 60Note: see also the channel flag idle-kick.
    * kiss – channel’s kiss, used by the command kiss (text substitutions %nick% %from% are available for this setting).Setup: !chanset kiss gives a kiss to %nick% from %from%Note: see also the channel flags fuck & mail
    * fuck – channel’s fuck, used by the command fuck (text substitutions %nick% %from% are available for this setting).Setup: !chanset fuck blabla %from% blabla %nick%Note: see also the channel flags kiss & mail
    * slap – channel’s slap, used by the command slap (text substitutions %nick% %from% are available for this setting).Setup: !chanset slap %from% slaps %nick% around a bit with a large troutNote: see also the channel flags kiss & fuck.
    * url – channel’s website, used by the command url.Setup: !chanset url http://bots.name & http://faq.bots.nameNote:see also the channel flags mail, desc, faq, rules & news.
    * mail – channel’s mail, used by the command mail.Setup: !chanset mail for general questions mail@foo.info, for abuse abuse@foo.infoNote: see also the channel flags url, desc, faq, rules & news.
    * desc – channel’s description, used by the command desc.Setup: !chanset desc this an eggdrop/tcl & a&a script helping chanNote: see also the channel flags url, mail, faq, rules & news
    * faq – channel’s faq, used by the command faq.Setup: !chanset faq ask directly in the channel in one line & wait, don’t ask to ask. For mor info use the commands !news !url !desc !mail & http://faq.bots.nameNote: see also the channel flags url, mail, desc, rules & news.
    * rules – channel’s rules, used by the command rules.Setup: !chanset rules don’t ask for op/voice, don’t msg oppers, no colours/boldNote: see also the channel flags url, mail, desc, faq & news
    * news – channel’s news, used by the command news.Setup: !chanset news new site http://bots.name updated, niqu promoted to op statusNote: see also the channel flags url, mail, desc, faq & rules.
    Channel Settings Packs
    * moderate – n/aSetup:
    * antiflood – n/aSetup:
    * antitake – a group of default chan flags which will be installed at once: modes +tn-ik, revenge-mode 1, flood-chan 7:20, flood-ctcp 2:20, flood-join 4:40, flood-kick 3:20, flood-deop 3:20, flood-nick 4:40, ban-time 0, +enforcebans, +dynamicbans, +protectops, +protectfriends, +dontkickops, +revenge, +cycle, +bitch, -autoop, -op.Setup: !chanset +antitake
    * strict – a group of default chan flags which will be installed at once: +antipub, +anticolour, +antibold, +antireverse, +antiunderline, +antiurl, +antinotice, +antiaction, +antirepeat.Setup: !chanset +strict
    * paranoia – a group of default chan flags which will be installed at once: +antitake & +strict.Setup: !chanset paranoia
    * reset – reset all channel flags/settings.Setup: !chanset reset
    Stats Channel
    * channels – the list of channels the BOT keeps/makes statistics. Non valid channels will be shown in red colour, valid & +secret channels will be shown as +secret, except if the output is set to msg/notice or console channel (global +v access level requireed)..Usage: !stats channels
    * join – by whom & when the BOT was joined on channel. Used by the command join.Usage: !stats join
    * purge – by whom, when & the reason why the BOT was removed from channel. Used by the command purge.Usage: !stats purge
    * templeave – by whom, when & the reason why the BOT was removed temporarily from channel. Used by the commands templeave & suspend.Usage: !stats templeave
    * time – how much time the BOT is on chan.Usage: !stats time
    * joins – how many ppl. joined the chan.Usage: !stats joins
    * topics – how many times the topic was changed on chan.Usage: !stats topic
    * traffic – how many lines & their size in bytes was said on chan.Usage: !stats traffic
    * users – ppl. average on chan.Usage: !stats users
    * bans – how many bans were made on chan.Usage: !stats bans
    * kicks – how many kicks were made on chan.Usage: !stats kicks
    * deops – how many deops were made on chan.Usage: !stats deops
    * ops – how many ops were made on chan.Usage: !stats ops
    * voices – how many voices were made on chan.Usage: !stats voices
    * devoices – how many devoices were made on chan.Usage: !stats devoices
    * banned – how many times the BOT was banned on chan.Usage: !stats banned
    * deopped – how many times the BOT was deopped on chan.Usage: !stats deopped
    * kicked – how many times the BOT was kicked on chan.Usage: !stats kicked
    * -all – all channel stats in one line.Usage: !stats all
    *ban-reason – the setting allows the default ban msgUsage: !chanset ban-reason [reason]
    *kick-reason kick msgUsage: !chanset kick-reason [reason]
    *dns – it resolves an user or an ipUsage: !dns [nick/hostmask/ip]
    *csc – cservice channel registration checker , it can check a channel registration status with cservice webpageUsage: !csc #channelname
    *putty – it checks up an port on a desired ip , will tell u if it can open a conection on that ip:port or notUsage: !putty [ip]
    *onjoin – a channel setting that recognises a person that it s added on the bot
    *joinpart – revolving door abuse setting
    *weather – it checks the weather on a city or a postal codeUsage: !chanset +weather #channelname
    *vorbeste – it activates the bots auto responders such as re lol brb bye
    *google – google searchUsage: !chanset +google #channelname
    *next – usefull settings for help channelsUsage: !chanset +next #channelname