+N(manager) – The highest flag an user can recieve on a certain channel. This flag can be considered a kind of 500 access at X, because it contains all the local commands available for an user.Also, flag +N grants access to an user on commands: X, manager, owner, master, op, halfop and voice.NOTE:an user with local +N can be removed only by a global master/owner/manager, and can exist only a manager on a channel.
+n(owner) – Flag which can be considered a kind of 450-499 access at X. Also, +n flag grant to an user on commands: owner, master, op, halfop and voice.NOTE: an user with +n flag can make majore setting to the channel. See command !chaninfo and !chanset.
+m (master) – Flag which can be considered a king of 400-449 access at X. Also, +m flag grants access to an user on commands: master, op, halfop and voice.NOTE: an user with +m flag can use !chattr command ( it’s the minimum access of an user to add another user at BOT).
+o(op) – Flag which can be considered a kind of access 75-399 at X. Also, +o flag gives access to an user on commands:op, halfop and voice.NOTE: In case you want +o to recieve autoop from bot when entering the channel, see flag +a or !chanset +autoop setting.In case you want anybody that enters the channel to have autoop, use the command !chanset +op.
+l (halfop) – Flag which can be considered a king of 100-200 access at X. Also, +l flag gives access to an user on commands: halfop and voice.
+v (voice) – Flag which can be considered a kind of 1-74 access at X. Also, +v flag gives access to an user on commands: voice.NOTE: In case you want those with +v recieve auto voice from bot when entering the channel, see flag +g or !chanset +autovoice setting. In case you want anybosy that enters the channel to have autovoice, use the !chanset +voice command.
+f(friend) – Standard eggdrop flag. +f user won’t be punished in case he doesn’t behave” deop, kick, ban on protected users(see +P and +H flags) or setting channel modes which are not specified in !modes command.
+X (X commands) – Flags which grants access on local X commands.NOTE: only an +N user can give +X to another user.
+P (protected user) – +P user will be protected against deopping, kicking and banning.In case of +P user recieves kick/ban, the bot invites back automatically the user,and if +P user will be deopped, the bot will op him back.The one which abused will get deopped by the bot.NOTE:The BOT will not punish someone with higher access(for example local +N), with +p or +f. +Pflag can be given only by a local +NNOTE:see protect command.
+H (Hardly protected user) – +H user will be protected as an +P user.Instead, the one which abused will be banned by the BOT.NOTE: The BOT will not punish someone with higher access(for example local +N), with +p or +f. Also, +H flag can be given only by a local +N.NOTE: see protect command.
+L (blocked user) – Blocks the access of a certain user on a channel. When an user has +L, none of other users can !remuser him or change his flags with !chatter command (beside +N).NOTE: only one +N can give +L to another user.
+S (suspended user) – Suspends the access of an user on a certain channel. When an user is +S, he cannot use the available commands, but he still remains protected by the BOT(if he has +f, +P or +H).NOTE: only an +N can +S another user.
+K(kick) – +k flag user won’t be allowed to stay on the channel. the BOT will automatically kick+ban him.
+d(deop) – +d flag user won’t be allowed to be op on the channel, the BOT will automatically deop him. In case that another op with BOT access(+m or higher) gives op to a +d user, the BOT will let the user with op.NOTE: in case of using the !op or !xop command, the BOT will refuse to op a +d user.NOTE sometimes, causing to revenge-mode setting, an user will have automatically +d from the BOT.
+g(autovoice) – The +g user will be automatically voiced when entering the channel or in devoicing case(he must have +v flag, for +g to operate)NOTE: in case of using !devoice or !xdevoice command, the BOT will refuse to devoice a +g user.
+q(devoice) – +q flag user won’t be allowed to have voice on the channel, the BOT will automatically devoice him.NOTE: in case of using !devoice or !xdevoice command, the BOT will refuse to devoice a +q user.NOTE:in case of using !chanset voice command, the BOT will refuse to voice an +q user.
+w(wasop-test)– The +w flag user will pass on wasop procedure.
+e (exempted)– +e flag user will not pass on wasop procedure.NOTE: wasop procedure-> the procedure which allows or not an user to get op or voice in returning from netsplit/mode +x.
+Q (Authorization successful as user) – +Q flag is automatically given when an user uses auth or login command on BOT.
+W ( X specific flag) – X will reviece this flag to recognise Undernet services (ex: /msg x deop #channel pad)
+A (antihack) – Flag arrogated when an user sets antihack option.
+I (invisible)– Flag arrogated when an user sets invisible otion.
+R (report) – Flag arrogated when an user sets report option.
+b(bot) – Identifies any BOT, including #Mirc-Help ones.
+t(botnet master) – Allows access on botnet master commands.
+x (xfer) – Allows access to some files and xfer commands.NOTE: Do not confound with +X. They are two completely different flags.
+j (file-area master or janitor) – Allows the access on some files and on janitor commands.
+p(party-line) – Allows the access on party-line and on party-line commands.
+c (common) – when two or more people use the same user@host-for preventing that all the persons appear like at one – is made a registration by user with common access and for all that will match to this registration will be made a new user recording wich will identify after nick.
+u (unshared) – +u flag user will not be send to another BOTs on sharing files