February 13, 2025


Local commands
Local N purge alias enable disableLocal X xvoice xkick xdevoice xremuser xlog xurl xunsuspend xdesc xban xadduser xop xinfo xautotopic xtopic xaop xsuspend xclearmode xdeop xautomode xunban xmodifyLocal n comeback cycle templeave protect chansetLocal m chattr remuser topicLocal o deop botnet opLocal l unban chaninfo modes invite ban kickLocal v voice list stats act say devoice admins botnet whois calcLocal * auth uptime usage userset flags help info host userinfo report login newhand pass newpass output rules kiss google ping slap seen bot mail commands fuck news sms url seennick version
purge-the BOT parts the channel. If the BOT parts, you can’t bring it back using comeback command, only an admin can rejoin the BOT. All the infos on the channel and users will be lost.Usage: !purge #channel . Ex: !purge #EggLend no-need
disable – deactivates a command. If the global option is specified, this command will be inaccessible for all the channels.Usage: !disable [global]Ex: !disable seen global or !disable all
enable – activates a deactivated command (using disable).Usage: !enable [global]Ex: !enable seen or !enable all global
Xop – gives op to someone thourgh X.NOTE A +d user will not be opped.Usage: !xop [nick] or !xop [*]Ex: !xop gospodd or !xop *
xaop – sets autoop through x on an user.Usage: !xaop [nick] Ex: !xaop P&T
xdeop – deops someone through X.NOTE: A +a user will not be deopped.Usage: !xdeop [nick] [*]Ex: !xdeop gospodd
xkick – kicks someone through X.Usage: !xkick [reason]Ex: !xkick gospodd Buh Bye!
xban – bans someone though X.Usage: !xban [duration] [level] [reason]Ex: !xban *!*@gospodd.users.undernet.org 336 499 Go away!
xunban – unbans someone through X.Usage: !xunban Ex: !xunban *!*@gospodd.users.undernet.org
xvoice – voices through X.NOTE: a +q user will not be voiced.Usage: !xvoice [nick2] [*]Ex: !xvoice gospodd or !xvoice *
xdevoice – devoices through X.NOTE: a +g user will not be devoiced.Usage: !xdevoice [nick2] [*]Ex: !xdevoice Cola Pepsi
xtopic – sets a topic through X.Usage: !xtopic Ex: !xtopic Welcome on #EggLend !
xclearmode – sets clearmode through X (disables all modes on the channell).Usage: !xclearmode
xadduser – adds an user through X.Usage: !xadduser [level]Ex: !xadduser =gospodd 74
xremuser – removes an user through X.Usage: !xremuser Ex: !xremuser =gospodd
xmodify – modifies access level through X.Usage: !xmodify [level]Ex: !xmodify =gospodd 100
xautomode – sets automode for an user, which can be autoop, autovoice or none.Usage: !xautomode [op|voice|none]Ex: !xautomode =gospodd voice
xsuspend – suspends an user through X.Usage: !xsuspend [duration] [level]Ex: !xsuspend =gospodd 24 100
xunsuspend – unsuspends an user through X.Usage: !xunsuspend Ex: !xunsuspend =gospodd
xsupport – supports a channel through X.Usage: !xsupport Ex: !xsupport yes
xautotopic – sets autotopic on or off trough X.Usage: !xautotopic Ex: !xautotopic off
xdesc – sets a channels description through X (in case is set autotopic on, this description will be put in topic).Usage: !xdesc Ex: !xdesc Welcome on #EggLend
xurl – sets a channel url through X (in case of autotopic on, this url will be added on topic between brackets).Usage: !xurl Ex: !xurl www.egglend.orgxlog – Login the BOT on X.Usage: !xlog
xinfo – shows on backup channel all accesses that BOT has.Usage: !xinfo
xstatus – notices to user an auth list (/msg x status #channel)Usage: !xstatus
templeave – sets inactive channel (+inactive) for an hour. this command is diferent by purge because the BOTsaves the info on channel and users, and it rejoins the channel, instead on purge is not saved and the BOT doesn’t rejoin.Usage: !templave #channel Ex: !templeave #EggLend other bots
comeback – sets active channel (-inactive). After templeave with this command it brings the BOT back.Usage: !comeback #channelEx: !comeback #EggLend
chanset – sets info about the channel (settings).Usage: !chanset [options]Ex: !chanset +antitake or !chanset idle-deop 40
cycle – BOTul makes a /hop at channel, by 7 seconds (difference between part and join) if time is not specified, otherwise makes a /hop with a spell part/join at how many seconds is specified.Usage: !cycle [time]Ex: !cycle 60
protect – protects an user against deop, ban or autoops. Flags which aren’t on -deop are +P, on -ban +PH, and on -autoop +ao.Usage: !protect <-deop|-ban|-autoop|-autovoice>Ex: !protect gospodd -autoop
chattr – arrogates flags on someone (gives access on BOTs). There are 3 flag categories:
* flags for commands: gives access on channel commands: N, X, n, m, l, o, v.*flags for protection: protects user against BOT punishments : f, P, H, L.* auto-flags: reacts on certain channels events (op, voice): a, d, g, q, k.Usage: !chattr <$flags> [now]Ex: !chattr gospodd +Nf
remuser – removes all user`s flags, HAND remaining available. Of it is specified “all” option, the BOT will remove all the accesse from channel..Usage: !remuser Ex: !remuser gospodd
topic – sets topic on channel. On case is specified “lock” option, the topic will be changed only by user with BOT accessUsage: !topic Ex: !topic Welcome on #EggLend! visit www.EggLend.org
op – gives op to someone.NOTE A +d user will not be opped.Usage: !op [nick] or !op [*]Ex: !op gospodd or !op *
deop – deops someoneNOTE: A +a user will not be deopped.Usage: !deop [nick] [*]Ex: !deop gospodd
botnet – party-line commands accessed without logging on botnet.Usage: !botnet [BOT]Ex: !botnet chat or !botnet bots
kick – kicks an user off the channel.Usage: !kick [reason]Ex: !kick gospodd Go away!
ban – bans someone.Usage: !ban [duration] [sticky] [global] [reason]Ex: !ban Pepsi 0 sticky global Go Planet Go!
unban – unbans someone from BOTs or channels banlist.Usage: !unban Ex: !unban *!*@gospodd.users.undernet.org
invite – invites someone on channel. If nick is not specified, it invites you.Usage: !invite Ex: !invite gospodd
chaninfo – shows channels info and settings.Usage: !chaninfoEx: !chaninfo
modes – sets/resets channel modes.Attention!!: If you want your modes to be permanent, use !chanset modesUsage: !modes [modes] <-c|clear> [options]Ex: !modes +nstk-i bla or !modes clear
whois – shows informations about an user: flags; antihack status, permident, lang, output; hosts; if authorised or not; of password on or not; last changes.Usage: !whois [?|now]Ex: !whois gospodd sau !whois gospodd ?
voice – voices someone.NOTE: a +q user will not be voiced.Usage: !voice [nick2] [*]Ex: !voice gospodd or !voice *
devoice – devoices someone .NOTE: a +g user will not be devoiced.Usage: !devoice [nick2] [*]Ex: !devoice Cola Pepsi
admins – shows a list of local and global admins. All admin are shown in hierarchical order: N -> n -> m -> o -> l -> v. Also are shown +d si +k flag users.Usage: !admins
list – shows the local or global user list with a certain flag, or ban list.Usage: !list [global]Ex: !list bans or !list N global
stats – complete channel statistics.Usage: !stats [hour|day|week|month|year] [global|top] [min|max] [value]Ex: !stats #EggLend traffic month
uptime – shows BOTs uptime (uptime&online)Usage: !uptime
say – the BOT says something on the channel.Usage: !say Ex: !say Uh Uh!
act – the BOT uses /me on the channel.Usage: !act Ex: !act smiles.
auth – login to the BOT, after you can use the commands.Usage: !auth [user]Ex: !auth password or !auth password sprite
pass – sets your personal password on BOT.NOTE: In case you recieve access on the same bot BOT, but on a different channel, you don’t need to set a new password.Usage: !pass Ex: !pass [password]
flags – shows local and global flags of an user.Usage: !flags Ex: !flags gospodd
newpass – changes your password on BOT.Usage: !newpass Ex: !newpass old new
newhand – changes your HAND on BOT.Usage: !newhand Ex: !newhand gospodd
access – Shows local and global flags if an user. such as !flags commands, the difference is that this command doesn;t show flag explanations.Usage: !access Ex: !access gospodd
help -shows the description of specified command.Usage: !help Ex: !help alias
usage – shows the usage of specified command.Usage: !usage Ex: !usage chaninfo
info – shows help & usage of a command.Usage: !info Ex: !info ban
host – add, remove or reset an user host.NOTE: Alias for -add = + ; -remove = – ; -info = ? ; -reset = ~Usage: !host <-a|-add|-r|-remove|-reset|-i|-info> [host] [hand] [-now]Ex: !host -add *!*@gospodd.users.undernet.org gospodd or !host -info gospodd
userset – sets info of an user (settings).Usage: !userset <-r|reporting|-a|antihack|-p|permident|-i|info|invisible|-m|mail|-u|url|id> [-global] <-yahoo|-msn> Ex: !userset antihack on or !userinfo url www.EggLend.org
userinfo – shows info of an user (settings).Usage: !user info <<-r|reporting|-a|antihack|-p|permident|-i|info|invisible|-m|mail|-u|url-all|id> [-global] <-yahoo|-msn> Ex: !userinfo -all P&T or !userinfo info -global Mirc-Help
output – specifies how the BOT will reply, the language (english or romanian) and the manner (prv, notice, on channel).Usage: !output [ro|en|info] [[chan|msg] [msg|chan|note]]Ex: !output lang ro or !output reply chan note
report – reports an abuse or a bug of the script to #EggLend admins.Usage: !report [-abuse|-bug] Ex: !report -abuse On channel #xxx is Trivia and the BOT did not ignore it.
seen – searches a person which was on the channel. In case that the BOT doesn’t find the person, the other #EggLend BOTs will check.NOTE: You can use !seen xm* too see all the nicks beginning with “xm” which were on the channel.Usage: !seen Ex: !seen gospodd or !seen gospodd*!*@P&T.users.undernet.org
ping – pings an user, after shows his lag (lag between him and BOT).Usage: !ping
commands -shows all accessible commands.NOTE:If you’re not auth on BOT, this will shows you only the commands used by everyone..Usage: !commands
url – shows channels URL, set through chanset command.Usage: !url
news – shows channel NEWS, set thorugh chanset command.Usage: !news
mail – shows channel admin MAIL, set thourgh chanset command.Usage: !mail
rules – Shows channel RULES, set thourgh chanset command.Usage: !rules
version – shows aggdrops and scripts version #EggLend.Usage: !version